Classic Full Set
Classic Full Set • One extension is applied per lash, providing a subtle and natural look. • Great for first-time clients.
Classic Full Set • One extension is applied per lash, providing a subtle and natural look. • Great for first-time clients.
Handmade fans of multiple lashes are applied to each natural lash to create thicker, fuller looking lashes. • More of a dramatic effect. • 2-3 hours
Two words: ●●MEGA●●VOLUME●● • Not for the weak of heart • Luscious, dark, goddess-inspired lashes • BE ADVISED that lash fans may resemble spiders • 3 hours
Choose this if you still have at least 70% of your lashes remaining and are wanting to stay extra full. Great for pickers! • Weekly appts • $25 charge for all foreign fills
Must have at least 50% of extensions remaining. Valid for classic, hybrid and volume lashes $ 25 charge for extended fill time $ 25 charge for all foreign fills
Select if you are missing more than 50% of your extensions and need additional fill time • Recommended if it's been longer than 2 weeks between fills or if you need a little extra TLC • Valid for classic, hybrid and volume lashes • $25 charge for all foreign fills • $25 charge for mega lashes
• Must have at least 50% of extensions remaining • Not recommended for anything longer than 3 weeks $ 25 charge for extended fill time $ 25 charge for all foreign fills
Select if you are missing more than 50% of your extensions and need additional fill time • Recommended if it's been longer than 3 weeks between fills or if you need a little extra TLC • $25 charge for all foreign fills
Select this if your lashes need to be touched up or filled in just enough to hold you over until your next appointment • 20 mins
Temporarily dye the color of your natural lashes with a semi-permanent color that lasts around 4 weeks. Wonderful for blonde and redhaired babes wanting to have natural dark lashes without applying mascara!
Thorough, deep cleaning of your lashes. May be required prior to extension application if lashes are too dirty and would inhibit the new extensions from adhering.
Nose and lip waxing available. $12 each